Held Hostage

Are you being held hostage by poverty and the lack of opportunities in your area?  Are you being forced to take menial work for little pay just to barely scrape by?  Are you trading time you could spend loving and educating your children to make someone else rich?  Do you wish you could get out of that place?  Does it depress you to no end KNOWING it will NEVER CHANGE?

Then  STOP!

Demand fair pay and when they laugh at you quit your job and join the movement to

Occupy Everything!

Because, SERIOUSLY, if your life is not worth living the way it is, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.  Come and be among friends, be among those who KNOW what your talking about.

I for one KNOW what it's like to be homeless with three children.  I know what it feels like to leave your children with strangers not to get ahead but just to make ends meet and usually not even that.  I know what it feels like when your kids see things on TV that you know you will NEVER be able to afford.  I know the look of disappointments on Christmas morning and even on birthdays.

After all that, I even KNOW what it feels like to be told that all of this is YOUR FAULT.  Your problem is not that there are no jobs or that jobs don't pay enough, your problem is YOU.  YOU are a loser.  I've even been told that it was people LIKE ME, people who can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make ends meet, are actually what's wrong with this country.  REALLY?!

Stop, right there and know this NOW!  You have been framed.  You have been the scapegoat of blame in the United States!  The poor aren't ruining the country.  You didn't choose to be poor.  You didn't choose to come from a family that wasn't part of the 1% thereby leaving you to grow up with few options, IF ANY!

Listen here, expose the lies and know that you were SET UP by a system that was DESIGNED with your FAILURE in mind.

I propose for those of us who have truly reached our end, that we pack up and pack the cities of this screwed up country.  I propose that for all of us who have traded our very beings for nothing more than existence, that we come forward now with all our STRENGTH for if anyone has it WE DO!

After everything we have ENDURED, all the SHAME from PRIVILEGED SOCIETY, all the HOPELESSNESS that we have felt, the DEPRESSION, the HUMILIATIONS, living in SUBSTANDARD HOUSING, who better then US to lead this movement.

Now is the time to free yourself!  Free your children!  Take your children off the ritilan, there's nothing wrong with your child except that he/she knows that this is all a SHAM!  Take your children OUT OF SCHOOL where they are treated with no RESPECT for who or even WHAT they are!

Take what you need and sell the rest.  We will set up TENT CITIES in the nations capitals!  We will come together as ONE FORCE!

Don't be HELD HOSTAGE anymore!

Who's with me?

Stay posted...details to come.